I missed posting my 14 week update, so I'll start with that. This week I am officially in the 2nd trimester and have entered the 4th month. Where is all the time going??
I see why they say the 2nd trimester is the best. All my energy has returned, I feel good and I'm starting to show, but not uncomfortably yet. This is definitely a fun and exciting time. Though I still have little worries here and there, I believe I'm past the joy-stealing anxiety of the 1st trimester that something was going to take this away from me. Reality has kicked in for us that I really am pg. It definitely helps that I'm now visually pg and can hear the HB anytime we'd like.
I bought my first maternity top the other day. While all my tops still fit, most of them are not long enough to cover the fact that I can no longer zip/button any of my pants. I've gotten some serious mileage out of my BellaBand and BellyBelt already!
Not looking so big from the front:
But take a quarter turn and holy cow!!! Yeah, I'm growing fast and I just know I'm going to be huge!
Sharp cervical pinches, the kind that make you jump and say ouch! This one is freaking me out just a tad as I fear my cervix is giving out.
Very mild heartburn starting to kick in.
Occasional mild pain in my ovary area. I believe this is the start of round ligament pain. I really have no idea what round ligament pain feels like, but all my pg books say that this starts this week.
Up next:
11 days till my next u/s where hopefully we'll find out if we're having a little boy or girl! We cannot wait to find out!!! We're anxious to start thinking of a name, picking out nursery themes/colors and finally get to buy pink or blue. You think we're having a boy or girl? Stop by the "Guess the Gender" poll and cast your vote.
Christmas Eve:
Today we spent Christmas with my mom and step-dad. We enjoyed dinner, a movie and opened a few gifts. It was a great time. The best part was all the gifts for little Seven! Seven received 6 little outfits and a teether. I can't stop looking at the outfits, they're so tiny and cute. I just smile and thank God that these little outfits are for my baby. I keep having to pinch myself that these are not shower gifts for someone else.
A few family photos:
Looking preggo yet? Not so much, still looking more like a beer gut.
My aunt sent my folks a pair of really warm and comfy wearable blankets. The guys put them on and we about lost it as they looked like a couple of monks. Check them out!
Christmas Day:
Today we spent Christmas with Kerry's family. We enjoyed lunch, exchanging gifts and playing cards.
Kerry is so proud of my "beer gut".
Christmas Evening:
This evening Kerry and I exchanged our gifts, though nothing could top the gift we already received.
I was so excited to be handed a gift bag from "Pickles & Ice Cream Maternity". My hubby got me maternity underwear! He's been concerned that the elastic from my regular undies are getting a little too tight on my growing belly. So over-protective already! He also got me 2 maternity tops from Motherhood Maternity. Needless to say, I'm quite giddy!
Kerry got a little something from Seven. It says "I Love Daddy".
That's all for now. Lots of love from Tall Dude and Short Chick!