Tuesday, September 29, 2009

FET#1.5 - Lining Check

Today was the dreaded lining check. OMG, would I pass this time? I spoke to my lining the entire way to the clinic, demanding that it cooperate and have a nice thick triple pattern.

I had blood drawn to check my estrogen level and then was sent back to the waiting room to wait an hour. I'm normally a very still person, but today I was a bundle of nerves and couldn't stop fidgeting. I sat back and watched couple after couple admire their u/s photos. One couple found out they were having a boy. One just found out she's pg. I just smiled and thought, my day will come!

Finally I was called back. They started with an abdominal u/s and spent a quite a bit of time there. I was absolutely dying for them to quit looking at my ovaries and get to my lining.

Next they had me empty my bladder for the vaginal u/s. When I returned, the sonographer and sonographer-in-training were laughing hysterically. She was teaching her how to put the condom over the u/s wand. She couldn't get it right and said "your wand is a lot bigger than my wand". I hopped on the table and watch these 2 ladies laugh and discuss condom techniques. Quite hilarious!

We got started on the vaginal u/s and I immediately asked if there was a triple pattern. I got the standard annoying answer, "I don't know, the doctor will have to tell you after he reviews it". Fortunately I'm pretty good at reading the u/s and saw for myself that, yes, there was a triple pattern!!!!!! But the nerves didn't stop, I needed to hear it from them.

During the u/s, someone knocked on the door and they shouted, you can't come in right now. I said, boy, they'd get quite a view if they walked in right now. After they were done I headed to the bathroom to get dressed while they let the person in. When I came out, Kerry was sitting there. I was so shocked to see him there. He wanted to surprise me and be there for me. So sweet!

We got to leave admiring my u/s! What a pretty lining I had. I wonder if anyone in the waiting room was envious of my lining?

As soon as I returned home, my results came in:

Estrogen: 816 (>300)

Lining: 9.7mm TriLayer (>8mm)

CCRM just called and said everything was perfect and I'm on for an Oct 5 transfer!!! Wahoo, I passed, I passed!!!!

In other news...

I've served in the church nursery for several yrs now. After I failed my 3rd IVF, I stopped serving as it was too painful to be surrounded by babies. I always said I would start again after I was pg. Well, I'm not pg yet, but I'm proud to say that I made the big step last Sun to start serving again. For the first time, my mom served with me. We had 7 little ones between the 2 of us. She got to see me in a mom role and I got to see her in a grandma role. It was great. We both left smiling in anticipation for the day when it would come true, me a mom and her a grammy.

SIX days to transfer!!!!


  1. I am so so so so so so excited for you! Did I say I was excited for you? Gmom just called, and I've been hitting the refresh waiting for the recent blog update. OMG, I'm so excited!!!! This is so so great. Now we're definitely in for poppin' one out, and puttin' one in :) Countin' down the days with you. Have a safe and relaxing trip on Friday, and rest rest rest when you get there. Love you and so excited!

  2. Wow is Monday going to be an exciting day for our entire family!!!!!!

    So excited and can't wait.

    What a ride this is going to be, better than any old Kunda Ka.

    Proud of you for going back to the nursery too.

    Love you bunches


  3. Congratulations!! It sounds like a perfect lining, and a wonderful home for your baby/ies for the next 9 months!

  4. I am incredibly excited for you - Great news on your lining! I can't wait to hear how your transfer goes. I'm praying for a smooth transfer and BFP.

  5. I am SO excited for you...SO excited. :-)

  6. Yay! I am so happy for you! I kept checking yesterday and finally had to go out for the evening and missed your post! But, I'm so so glad it was good news...and how totally sweet of Kerry to surprise you at the u/s! A few days and you are in Denver:-)

  7. That's wonderful news - triple lining!!! Oct 5th transfer!!! Things are lining up for you now and I have everything crossed for you. I am so excited for you. Kerry is such a doll - surprising you at the clinic. What a sweet guy!

  8. Such good news!!! I was wondering how it went all day yesterday. I was so excited to read this!!!

  9. Hey Jill! We are so happy that things are on back on track. You and Kerry and the teeny tiny bean are in our prayers!!!

  10. WOW,WOW,WOW,///Monday is going to be an awesome day. New beginnings for our great-grandson and our granddaughter/grandson. We give praises to the Lord.
    So glad Kerry decided to surprise you at the office. Both of you are blessed.
    Love you bunches,
    Jean and Crew

  11. How exciting! fingers crossed for you both and your little embie. Keep up the positive attitude!

  12. Yay, this made my day! I'm so excited for you and your transfer on the 5th!

  13. I am always so behind!
    HOORAY Jill, you are ALMOST THERE! I am so excited for you, I cannot wait for the 5th to be here!!!

  14. That is great news, and you sure deserve to hear some great news!!!

    I'm proud of you for going back to your church nursery. Isn't it funny how the number 7 keeps popping up for you guys? You had 7 children to watch!

    I think of you daily. I'm so sorry I haven't called. Hopefully you don't think I'm ignoring you!

  15. I'm teary eyed after reading the last paragraph!!! I am SO happy that everything was perfect yesterday, WOOHOO!!! As always, my thoughts and prayers are with you!!


  16. WOOOHOOOOO! Go, lining, go!! That is totally aweseome! And your lining will continue to thicken while you wait only 5 days for your transfer:) I am so so so so so happy for you:):)

  17. Congrats on both counts. Hope #7 is indeed lucky for you!

  18. Congrats! So happy for you! I hope all goes well next week. Good luck!

  19. Wow.. I never thought about the number 7 until I read Jessica's comment. Yes, 7 little ones at the church nursery. That almost gave me chills!
    You are getting down to the wire now... things have never been more perfect! Go to Colorado and bring home our "grambaby"!!!
    Love you as big as the sky,


Thank you for your comment! Hugs, Kerry and Jill