I talked to my nurse as I requested to get started on the FET since it's a 6 week process. The prep starts with BCPs on cd3 and I'm about 9 days away from that. At first she wasn't going to let me start before my results are in, I was not too happy about that. My cycles are pretty long after 4 IVFs and to wait for another cycle would put me doing the transfer end of Sept. Guess what that means? My one-day workup would be expiring and we would have to pay another $3500 to repeat that. No thank you!
Her reasons were that my results could take up to 8 wks and it wouldn't be good to have to keep me on Estrogen longer than required. Well I nixed that, I'll be at the 8 wk mark before I would start Estrogen. The other reason was what if I don't get any normals back, I would have nothing to transfer and I would have done the prep for nothing. I told her I'd take that risk.
She finally agreed and sent me my tentative FET calendar. Good gravy there's a lot of drugs for a FET! Looks like my tentative transfer date would be Aug 11. I'll post my calendar when time comes.
In other news:
Happy Birthday Mom!!! Love you as big as the sky and have really been enjoying our weekly mother-daughter time! Next year I'll make you a grandma, I promise! Hmmm, how many years have I said that? ;-)
Some of you may remember me mentioning my 93 yr old grandmother, the funny one... well it's been a rough week for her. To make a long story short, here's the short run-on sentence version. She went to the hospital for bad stomach pains, they thought it was appendicitis, they did laparoscopy, found her appendix to be fine, removed it just in case, cut into her to do some exploratory, couldn't find anything other than a little scar tissue. The surgery caused her a ton of pain, she was extremely bloated, couldn't eat/drink. A few days after surgery she was helped to the bathroom, felt like she was going to faint and did. Her heart stopped. They performed CPR on the bathroom floor, got her heart going, put her in ICU on a ventilator and sedated her.
It scared the living day lights out of all of us. They couldn't really find any reason for this, her heart looked really good.
Yesterday they took her off the ventilator and have drained several liters of fluid out of her stomach. She still has a tube in through her nose and into her stomach, but she's awake and doing good. She's already cracking jokes. Here's a few of her one liners:
* Austin peeked under her covers to see how full her urine bag was and she says; You're a boy, you're not supposed to look up my skirt!
* We showed her the tube that's draining fluid out of her stomach, the fluid was green. She says; Oh goodness, I'm molding.
* Out of the blue she starts belly laughing hysterically, the entire hospital bed was shaking. We asked her to let us in on the joke and she says; I'm making bubbles, you might smell something.
Today she was able to walk around for a little bit and we are so blessed that we are getting more time with her.
To my dear sweet funny Betty Boop. I love you so much and so relieved that you're still here with us. You always tell me that I'm beautiful and that you love me to pieces. The first thing you said to me at the hospital through all your pain was; you're so pretty. My Betty, it's YOU that's the beautiful one!
Betty Boop and I:

Can you believe she bowls?!?!

I want to be just like her when I grow up!