1. I have the best in-laws EVER!!! They don't come any sweeter, kinder or more compassionate, period. Thank you for producing such an amazing son!
2. I am a choc-aholic! A meal is not complete until I find chocolate. I will search high and low. I'd probably eat the ex-lax if that was the only chocolate left in the house.
3. I love water and it's all I'll drink.
4. I'm an internet junkie. Kerry teases me that my life comes to a complete halt if the internet goes down. This photo is during bedrest following IVF#3's transfer. I bet you anything I was trying to find success stories of transferring 3 embies on day 3.
5. I'm a wide open book. Nothing is too private and I will share any and every detail with you. I'm sure many of you have winced or blushed at some of the things I blog about.
6. My cat has a hard plastic kiddie pool for a litter box. Kerry has been cleaning it for over 3 yrs now because it's not good for a pg woman to clean it. About once a month he makes a trip upstairs, camps out on a stool and fishes for turds.
7. I wanted to marry a guy no taller than 6-ft and Kerry wanted to marry a tall woman. I guess we can both scratch that off the wish list as I'm 5'1 and he's 6'5. But we have fun making it work.

7. Kerry and I are brutally honest with each other. He can tell me my arse is getting huge, I can make fun of his belly rolls, he can tell me I look homely, I can tell him he needs to whiten his teeth. We check each other for food in our teeth, bad breath or body odor. Amazingly we laugh through it all and never get offended.
8. I used to be irrationally needle phobic. If I even saw a needle come near me, I'd freak out, panic and sob. I'm now proud to say that I've given myself 162 injections and have had countless blood-draws. I can even watch the needle now. Gee, thanks IVF for giving me such a gift!
9. Bodily functions crack me up. I think God was showing us his funny side when he designed us to pass gas. Just fart and I laugh hysterically. Here's a video of Kerry and I goofing around, you'll see that I couldn't contain myself when I mistook his pants ripping for something else.
10. After 3 years, a vasectomy reversal and 3 failed IVFs, I still have hope each month that I might actually conceive on my own.
If you found this fun and would like to do your own top 10, consider yourself tagged.