Tyler's life this month in bullet points:
- He has pretend phone conversations all the time. He picks up a phone and paces back and forth having a conversation in what I think is Chinese, not sure. He can talk clear as day, but as soon as he gets on the phone, he has his own language. He always ends the call with "ok, ok, bye bye".
- He started acting out scenes from his books. He was playing at his train table and put James the train and a cow on the track. He then said "move said James" which is right out of one of his Thomas the Train books.
- When I don't answer to mama, he starts yelling for Jill.
- He started singing "God our Father".
- He started washing his hands on his own. He rolls up his sleeves, stands on the stool, turns on the water, pumps soap, lathers, rinses, turns off the water and dries his hands with a towel. I can't believe I can simply say "go wash your hands".
- He continues his backward antics. Now when he hands us something, he says "may I please have one?".
- He is the ultimate negotiator, especially at bedtime. "Mama sleep on couch 5 mins? 4 mins? 2 mins? Play cars for 1 min? Read 1 more book then go to bed?".
Frequent things he's saying this month:
- Oopsie Daisy
- Oh me gosh!
- May I please have one?
- Sure, sure can!
- 2 more minutes?
Cute toddler-ease this month:
- Not knocker (snot sucker)
Things that cracked us up this month:
- We were at a red light when he yelled "Pee!!!". I said "hold it, hold it, hold it, we're stuck at a red light". He said "Light, turn green!!!".
- I smelled something foul and said "Tyler, did you toot?". He said "Yeah, I sure did.".
- We walked outside and he said "It's beautiful out!". That's not something you expect to come out of a 2 yr old.
- He walked to the bathroom, unrolled some toilet paper, blew his nose, threw it in the toilet and flushed. Then he got some more toilet paper and wiped Homey the cat's nose.
- We were on vacation with some family and one of the family members was over reacting about something that was no big deal and Tyler said "Oh me gosh!" in total valley girl style. It was hilarious!
- I asked him if he liked his food and he said "yummy yummy in my tummy".
- Homey the cat sat on Tyler while he was watching a short film about Tow Mater. When it was over, Tyler said to him "Oh my gosh Homey, that was amazing Homey!".
For Halloween, Tyler asked to be a monkey. This year was so much fun as he started to grasp the concept of trick or treating.
We handed out candy first. He was digging putting candy in everyone's bags and saying "good bye kids" as they left... until Thor showed up at our door, then it was all over with.
Video: Getting ready to hand out candy
One house we went to, the owners were sitting outside in front of their door. Tyler started walking up their stairs and said to them "move out of the way". I guess he was on a mission to knock on their door.
At another house, he got all excited when Kerry said "let's go to Nader's house" because he thought we were going to see Mator.
After we returned home, he was content to play with his candy and didn't even ask to eat any. That may sound absurd of me to take him trick or treating and then not even let him eat any candy, but I've learned my lesson with pasta, crackers and cookies. There's no such things as letting them have 1. Once they get a taste of it, it's all over with and that's all they want. He's never had candy before so he doesn't crave it. I wish no one would have introduced me to candy because then maybe I wouldn't have eaten all his candy and gained 7 lbs!
This month in photos:
Got yogurt?
I love how he puckers his lips when he's in deep thought!
Tyler at school on mobile zoo day
Snake around his neck, eek, so glad I wasn't there!!!
Enjoying his new trampoline
Exercising with mama (I gotta burn off that 7 lbs of candy!)
"Give me your lunch money!"
Just kidding, we were pretend shopping and put money in his pocket so he could pay at checkout.